Order Upload

Uploading your order is fast and time-saving, especially if you regularly purchase the same items regardless of size option changes.

To upload SKUs in a CSV file to your cart:

  1. Log into your account or create one. This way you can store addresses, secure credit cards, and track your orders.
  2. Create a 2 column CSV with “sku” and “qty” headings (lower case) on the first row. Other fields are optional
  3. Fill in the SKU number (ex CF0012-01) in the SKU and Qty for each product on a single row.
  4. Click on Upload CSV below.
  5. Navigate to and open your CSV file, new rows will appear on the page below.
    3a. After importing, you can optionally remove the first, blank, row automatically created.
  6. Click on Add all items to your cart.

Each row will be added to the cart sequentially; in the header the number of items in the cart will increase.

You can also enter SKUs individually directly into the row on this page.

Need a template? Download it here: Delosi Labs CSV Upload Template